

    條碼 ISBN 書名 分類號
    E004786/E004787/E004788/E004789/E004790 9789860583380 臺大醫院專科護理師教戰手冊-預立特定醫療流程暨業務範疇 419.8026
    E004771/E004772/E004773/E004774/E004775 9786267167472 No Problem專科護理師執照考暨 臨床實務參考書: 通論(2024) 419.6022
    E004793/E004794/E004795/E004796/E004797 9789863884640 華盛頓內科學手冊(第36版)(The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 36/e) 415.2026
    E004808/E004809/E004810/E004811/E004812 9789863684510 麻州總醫院內科手冊(第七版)(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine 7/e) 415.2026
    E004798/E004799/E004800/E004801/E004802 9789863684725 最新病歷記錄指引(第三版) 415.206
    E004803/E004804/E004805/E004806/E004807 9789863682479 最新英文病歷的正確寫法 415.206
    E004776/E004777/E004778/E004779/E004780 9789861946535 2712 基本護理學—-OSCE技術篇 419.6
    E004781/E004782/E004783/E004784/E004785 9789861945620 4705 專科護理師口試應考策略──OSCE技能模擬試題 419.8
    E004767 9789579519885 No Problem專科護理師執照考暨 臨床實務參考書 : 內科(2021) 419.6022
    E004768 9789579519885 No Problem專科護理師執照考暨 臨床實務參考書 : 外科(2021) 419.6022
    E004769/E004770 9789579519809 加護重症醫學第4版The ICU Book 4th EDITION 415
    E004791 9789863685227 Magee骨科物理治療評估(第七版)(Orthopedic Physical Assessment 7E) 416.6
    E004792 9789863683308 骨科學概論:常見骨科疾患處置與照護 416.6
    E100485/E100486 9781944272272 熱病The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2024 (Spiral ... QV250
    E100487 9780323568142 Textbook of interventional cardiology 8/e WG168
    E100525 9780323698306 ASE's comprehensive echocardiography 3/e WG141.5.E2
    E004814/1040898 9786269600038 顏面美容整形醫學解剖書 : 精準注射綱要(附一張光碟片) 416.48
    E100488 9780323661805 Electromyography and neuromuscular disorders : clinical-electrophysiologic-ultrasound correlations 4/e WE550
    E100526 9780826137425 Cancer immunotherapy principles and practice 2/e QZ266
    E100489 9781975184742 Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's cancer : principles and practice of oncology 12/e QZ200
    E100490 9780323749527 Egan's fundamentals of respiratory care 12/e WF145
    E100498 9780323673228 Medical microbiology 9/e QW4
    E100499 9781975124588 Mayhall's hospital epidemiology and infection prevention 5/e WX167
    E100506 9781975161330 Goodheart's same-site differential diagnosis : dermatology for the primary health care provider 2.e WR39
    E100529 9780323794022 Diagnostic ultrasound : abdomen & pelvis 2/e WI18.2
    E100491 9781626235953 Handbook of reconstructive flaps WO610
    E100492 9780323476799 Colour atlas of ophthalmic plastic surgery 4/e WW17
    E100527 9781576264607 The art and science of extended deep plane facelifting and complementary facial rejuvenation procedures WE705.5
    E100493 9781684205042 Greenberg's handbook of neurosurgery 10/e WL39
    E004815 9786269600052 大腸直腸癌問答101 : 大腸直腸癌臨床診療的全方位指引 415.569022
    E100494 9780323833653 Bland and Copeland's the breast : comprehensive management of benign and malignant diseases 6/e WP900
    E100495 9781496380876 Master Techniques in Surgery: Breast surgery 2/e WP910
    E100496 9781975113148 Differential diagnoses in surgical pathology : cytopathology 2/e QY95
    E100497 9783030886851 The Paris system for reporting urinary cytology 2/e WJ504
    E100500 9780323796927 Diagnostic imaging : gynecology 3/e WP39
    E100501 9781626232181 Minimally invasive spine surgery : a primer WE725
    E100502 9780323508889 Operative Techiques: Orthopaedic trauma surgery 2/e WE17
    E100503 9781975180171 Orthopaedic knowledge updateR: Spine WE727
    E004816 9786269600076 脊椎微創手術的最新進展 416.19
    E100504 9781975220914 Instructional course lectures: volume 73 2024 WE168
    E100505 9781975161453 Genital dermatology manual 4/e WR17
    E100528 9781119755111 Ridley's the vulva 4/e WP200
    E100507 9783031074097 Atlas of ocular optical coherence tomography 2/e WW17
    E100508 9780323393164 Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery : a personal tutorial 2/e WW168
    E100509 9781496390813 Atlas of oculoplastic and orbital surgery 2/e WW17
    E100510 9781975174491 Lever's dermatopathology : histopathology of the skin 12/e WR105
    E100511 9780323790130 Andrews' diseases of the skin clinical atlas 2/e WR17
    E100512 9789867364937 Musculoskeletal ultrasound examination, part III : peripheral nerves WE141
    E100513 9781975159924 Kendall's muscles: testing and function with posture and pain 6/e WE500
    E100514 9780645742800 Clinical biomechanics of the lower limbs: using the NBA system WE102
    E100515 9780071838931 Hadzic's peripheral nerve blocks and anatomy for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia 3/e WO300
    E100516 9781284247541 Guide to evidence-based physical therapy practice 5/e WB460
    E004817 9789869874366 Mulligan概念的徒手治療 第二版 418.931
    E004818 9786267093078 重點式照護超音波 第二版 415.2168
    E100517/E100518 9781975167240 Applied therapeutics : the clinical use of drugs 12/e 2Vols/Set(I.E.) WB330
    E100519 9781265016982 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics 14/e(I.E.) QV4
    E100520 9781284000009 Physicians' cancer chemotherapy drug manual 2024 QZ39
    E100530 9781585287215 AHFS drug information 2024 QV740.AA1
    E100521 9781684203987 Essentials of audiology 5/e WV270
    E100522 9780323775632 Nelson essentials of pediatrics 9/e(I.E.) WS100
    C000539 9789869920544 基層改善向下紮根 : 團結圈活動基礎篇 【更新版】 494.56
    C000540 9789869920537 基層改善向上發展 : 團結圈活動進階篇 【更新版】 494.56
    C000541 9789867690999 課題達成實踐手冊 新譯版 494.56
    C000542 9789867690821 醫療品管的深耕活動 : 醫療界的QCC實務 419.2
    E004819 9789863684862 臨床營養學 : 膳食療養 第一冊 411.3
    E004820 9789863684374 臨床營養學 : 膳食療養 第二冊 411.3
    E004821 9789863629450 實用營養學 第十版 411.3
    E004822 9789861945934 社區衛生護理學 第八版 419.86
    E004823 9789861946023 居家護理實務 429.5
    E004824 9789861947129 安寧緩和療護 第三版 419.825
    E004825 9789861946962 最新護理診斷手冊 : 護理計畫與措施 第五版 419.812026
    E004826 9786263578753 體檢報告全覽(內外科疾病篇)  412.51
    E004827 9789865666750 急性與慢性傷口照護:最新處置概念 第四版 416
    E004828 9789861944432 最新傷口護理學 第三版 416
    E004829 9786263433960 醫學檢驗品質管理 415.12
    E004830 9786269600021 醫學研究入門 : 從數據到臨床 415
    E100523 9781119495901 Hoffbrand's essential haematology 8/e WH120
    E100531 9780323812832 Principles and practice of laser dentistry 3/e WU600
    E100532 9780867157956 Occlusal splints for painful craniomandibular dysfunction (B7956) WU140.5
    E100524 9783132411487 Orthodontic aligner treatment : a review of materials, clinical management, and evidence WU426
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